Would you like to stand out from the crowd and make sure you make the right impression on any online site (Professional as well as dating sites)? Learn how to take amazing selfies that will make your online profile shine !
Separate courses are available in English and in French. During one hour I will teach you all about light, composition and body language to make the perfect selfie/headshot with your smartphone and stand out on any online site ! Our method has proven so effective that we offer you a Money Back Guarantee should you not be happy with the course !
Book your spot now !
Vous souhaitez vous démarquer et faire une bonne impression sur n'importe quel site online (professionnel/recruitement et sites de rencontres) ? Apprenez à prendre des Selfies superbes qui feront briller votre profil en ligne !
Les cours sont disponible en Français et en Anglais. Pendant une heure je vous apprendrai tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur la lumière, la composition et le language du corps, afin de faire le selfie parfait simplement avec votre Smartphone. Apprenez comment enfin se faire remarquer sur les sites ! Notre méthode est tellement effective, que nous vous offrons la garantie 'Satisfait ou Remboursé' !
Réservez votre place maintenant !

4 new dates in June 2020 for this super fun Do-It-Yourselfies Workshop, in English and in French, for women and for men
Check out the dates and book your spot now !
4 nouvelles dates en Juin 2020 pour le Workshop Do-It-Yourselfies, en Français et en Anglais, pour femmes et pour hommes
Regardez les dates et réservez votre place maintenant !
If you are serious about finding a partner and be successful, join the Master the Art of Virtual Dating of SuccessMatch. A contemporary strategy and approach to finding love.
Elite matchmaker and award-winning dating expert Trea Tijmens offers a 6 week accelerated coaching and mentoring program focussed getting quality matches and dates through apps, navigating the dating jungle and a successful transition from the virtual to dating in real life.
Find out all about this amazing and effective program and receive a free 30 minutes Dating Strategy Session. Just click on the Tell me More button, add the code EMOPHOTO and take your dating to the next level !